Guidelines For The Strongest Wood Cube Possible How In The World Is The Question "what Would You Like To Have For Dinner ?" In Violation Of Yahoo Guidelines?

How in the world is the question "what would you like to have for dinner ?" in violation of Yahoo Guidelines? - guidelines for the strongest wood cube possible

I was just informed that my question a month ago because he was set against the policies of Yahoo Thet removed. It was considered "chat". Huh? Are not we all chat. Answer each question others. Forget the issues of sexually explicit or just down right nasty, we are the mother of three young children trying to find new ideas for dinner! Way to go Yahoo! I bet that many now sleep better, because he read a new chicken recipe!


Kelli ^..^ said...

Personally, I do not think the issue is not online .... and shit, I could be a new recipe or two for the use of chicken!

marchand... said...

Nice big salad and a sandwich

butterfl... said...

Yes - you're not the first nor last, that I for the same reason that you "chattng" - does nothing went. Points are not so important for me anyway - to say this is not a "chat" to .... whatever. Do not get themselves in. It is still fair to say that the people aspire. ..... Ah Chicken and Corn Cobb ON:)

laughsal... said...

Love to a plate of seafood tonight. I'm new here in the Q & A, but I agree with you that some of the colors seriously verbally or even offensive questions havent been started. Maybe we should ask ourselves, Yahoo

Question... said...

I think I could write it better, perhaps: "Can anyone tell me some recipes for dinner again?" It would have been better preserved. This topic is not like on the cat.

Also this site is for the real questions of people who really need answers, chat or talk with a certain group of users is not necessary and not the target site. I understand your question would be a real problem, but it should pay more attention to phrasing.

none said...

I wish I had some chicken taquitos

sam said...

Yes, it was stupid of them. I was once in prison, a parking meter that I have no place in the middle, because she came late into the break at work. Where is the justice in this location.

metalicg... said...

I agree, she has me everything is asked if one of them belongs to a group that I represent. They should devote more time to eliminate the perverse!

vanessa_... said...

that make me a lot. Someone probably reported that they say it with me too. but I want to go to Olive Garden!

smartgir... said...

I agree with you.

Here's a new idea for the dinner I had made, and children are ... How are you love!

I call this place my pasta and pizza in the pan or oven.

Just combine cooked pasta (I like the large corkscrew) tomato sauce, mozzarella, parmesan cheese, oregano, basil, S & P and add the ingredients (the pieces are cut) your family likes to eat pizza with sausage .. .. , Pepperoni, mushrooms, olives, etc..
If you want me to do a layer of dough in the cheese to cook, then noodles, etc..

We hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

NeoGen said...

I agree!

And the answer to your first question: "Tuna Noodle Casserole

Mia N said...

Uhhhhh? That is simply not acceptable! I agree with u! .. I can not believe it!

brevejun... said...

Well, what the good people of Yahoo! Would happen when a page like this come into being? I personally think they should tar and feathers from around the world, who asked to be pursued, "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" And "How Many Licks does it take to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop?" These people should be shot. It's just an absolute nonsense.

Michael H said...

In fact, each side will try to talk about the underground and see what people say

chaselak... said...

Dang, and I was hungry,

farmersd... said...

I know that you stupid I'm not even an answer that was not answered.

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