Whenever I am outside during marching band, I end up seeing yellow and I get headaches. What should I do? - headache band
She has even worse is my 3rd Year in high school and threw more because of these visions, I can no longer be yellow for a while. I understand that my being hot in the summer, but the problem is really frustrating because I felt weak because I am always one of the few people who sit in practice. Are these visions yellow sign of diabetes? Or is it that more attention should be careful?
Headache Band Whenever I Am Outside During Marching Band, I End Up Seeing Yellow And I Get Headaches. What Should I Do?
12:05 PM
quiet, what happened, but because I helped my father in the garden, because you do things before goin dyhdrated can drink plenty of water and you could be next, you go jogging in May Couse tape you put your life in danger
Only a doctor can say for sure, but what happens to me when my star glucose can occur, and probably if you aneemic (i suk at) Spelling. Marching Band is difficult, and probably should sit, if it is done to avoid injury. They spend time with this problem. Headache is probably dehydration. I drink 2 gallons (literally) in each study.
They live with a chemical or a nuclear plant? If so, then that's probably why.
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